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Mio Famigila Italiano- Colorado was created in April 2020 by Joshua DeCredico with the inspiration coming from Albert DeCredico. Albert was one of the founding members of the Sons of Italy in Denver created in 1958. After spending a few years with the lodge, he noticed that the original mission was lost and going in a different direction. So he decided to leave. Albert never lost sight of wanting a place where Italian-Americans could focus on their culture and heritage, which could be passed down from generation to generation.


Our goal at Mio Famiglia Italiano-Colorado is to have a place where members feel like family. We are very involved in the community with supporting local Italian businesses, organizations, schools, and food banks. Some of the activities that we offer are family picnics, vino night, game night, Galas, scholarships, participating in local Italian festivals, book clubs, Italian language classes, cooking classes, genealogy, and so much more. 


In the current times, we are spending time with family and friends over google and zoom meets. We are still able to have game nights, movie nights, cook together, and just support each other while navigating through this period of history. 


Everything the family does comes from every member- not just the Pirori (Board). Our family puts a lot of emphasis on our youth members who are also allowed to serve on the Pirori. We have a number of committees that you can participate if you choose to do so.


Even though we are young, we already have another family in Washington D.C. Please welcome them!!! Benvoneti Mio Famiglia Italiano Washington D.C.


Our Priori (Board) is made up of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 5 Ufficiali - which include three youth members.


     Joshua and Albert DeCredico

                  July 7th, 2007 


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